🏡 index.nim

WebUI Wrapper for Nim

Table of Contents:

Download And Install

Install the WebUI library from Nimble

nimble install webui

To see the wrapper's source code, please visit the GitHub repository here: https://github.com/neroist/webui

WebUI's source code is here.


A very minimal Nim example:

import webui

let window = newWindow() # Create a new Window
window.show("<html>Hello</html>") # Show the window with html content

wait() # Wait until the window gets closed

Using a local HTML file. Please note that you need to add <script src="/webui.js"></script> to all your HTML files.

import webui

let window = newWindow() 

# Please add <script src="/webui.js"></script> to your HTML files

Using a specific web browser:

import webui

let window = newWindow()
window.show("<html>Hello</html>", BrowserChrome)


To view more complex and complete examples please visit the examples directory in my GitHub repository.


New Window

To create a new window object, you can use newWindow(), which returns a new window object.

let window = newWindow()

Show Window

To show a window, you can use the show() function. If the window is already shown, the UI will get refreshed in the same window.

# Shows html in any installed web browser, using the embedded html
# Show a window using a local html file
# Please add <script src="/webui.js"></script> to your HTML files

To show a window in a specific web browser:

const html = "<html>Hello!</html>"

# Chrome
window.show(html, BrowserChrome)

# Firefox
window.show(html, BrowserFirefox)

# Microsoft Edge
window.show(html, BrowserEdge)

# Other browsers...

# Any available web browser
window.show(html, BrowserAny)

If you need to update the whole UI content, you can also use show(), which allows you to refresh the window UI with any new HTML content.

import std/os

let html = "<html>Hello</html>"
let newHtml = "<html>New World!</html>"

# Open a window

# Later...

# Refresh the same window with the new content

Window Status

To know if a specific window is running, you can use shown().

if window.shown():
  echo "A window is running..."
  echo "No window is running."

Binding & Events


Use bind() to receive click events when the user clicks on any HTML element with a specific ID, for example <button id="MyID">Hello</button>.

window.bind("MyID") do (e: Event):
  # <button id="MyID">Hello</button> gets clicked!
  echo "Binding element ", e.element, "!"
Binding element MyID!

You can also have a return value on your function, it must be either of string, int, or bool. The return value will be automatically passed back to the Javascript code for you.

window.bind("MyID") do (e: Event) -> int:
  return 1 + 2  # 3

Bind All

You can also listen for all events by binding an empty ID.

window.bind("") do (e: Event):
  echo "Listening for events..."


When you use window.bind(), your application will receive an event every time the user clicks on the specified HTML element. The event comes with the element, which is the HTML ID of the clicked element, for example, MyButton, MyInput, etc. The event also comes with the WebUI unique element ID & the unique window ID. Those two IDs are not generally needed.

window.bind("MyButton") do (e: Event):
  echo "Hi!, You clicked on ", e.element, " element"

The e corresponds to Event, and it has these attributes:

e.window       # The window the event occured on
e.eventType    # Event type
e.element      # HTML element ID
e.data         # JavaScript data/response

You can access other attributes like eventNumber, but those are used by WebUI, and are only meant for internal use by the library.



It is essential to call wait() at the end of your main function, after you create/show all your windows. This will make your application run until the user closes all visible windows or when exit() is called.

# Create windows...
# Bind HTML elements...
# Show the windows...

# Wait until all windows get closed
# or when calling exit()



At any moment, you can call exit(), which tries to close all related opened windows and make wait() break.



You can call close() to close a specific window, if there is no running window left wait() will break.


Startup Timeout

WebUI waits a couple of seconds (Default is 30 seconds) to let the web browser start and connect. You can control this behavior by using setTimeout().

# Wait 10 seconds for the web browser to start

# Now, after 10 seconds, if the web browser
# did not start yet, wait() will break
# Wait forever.

# wait() will never end

Multi Access

WebUI "Access Denied" Image
WebUI "Access Denied" Image

After the window is loaded, for safety, the used URL is not valid anymore, if someone else tries to access the URL, WebUI will show an error. To allow multi-user access to the same URL, you can use multiAccess=.

window.multiAccess = true


Run JavaScript From Nim

You can run JavaScript on any window to read values, update the view, or anything else. In addition, you can check for execution errors, as well as receive data.

window.bind("ExampleElement") do (e: Event):
  # Run JavaScript to get the password
  let res = e.window.script("return 2*2;")

  # Check for any error
  if res.error:
    echo "JavaScript Error: ", res.data
    echo "JavaScript Response: ", res.data # 4

  # Run JavaScript quickly with no waiting for the response

Run Nim From JavaScript

To call a Nim function from JavaScript and get the result back please use webui_fn('MyID', 'My Data').then((response) => { ... });. If the function does not have a response then it's safe to remove the then method like this webui_fn('MyID_NoResponse', 'My Data');.

window.bind("MyID") do (e: Event) -> string:
  echo "Data from JavaScript: ", e.data # Message from JS

  return "Message from Nim"


webui_fn('MyID', 'Message from JS').then((response) => {
    console.log(response); // Message from Nim

TypeScript Runtimes

You may want to interpret JavaScript & TypeScript files and show the output in the UI. You can use runtime= and choose between Deno or Nodejs as your runtimes.

# Deno
window.runtime = Deno

# Nodejs
window.runtime = NodeJS

# Disable
window.runtime = None
import std/strutils
import std/sequtils

import nimib


nb.title = "WebUI Nim Docs"

  nbToc: NbBlock
  sections: seq[string]

template addToc =
  newNbBlock("nbText", false, nb, nbToc, ""):
    nbToc.output = "## Table of Contents:\n\n"

template nbSection(name: string) =
  let tocName = name.split(' ')[1..^1].join(" ")
  var anchorName = tocName.toLower.replace(" ", "-")

  if anchorName in sections:
    anchorName &= "-" & $sections.count(anchorName)

  sections.add anchorName
  nbText "<a name=\"$1\"></a>\n$2\n\n---" % [anchorName, name]

  let indent = "  ".repeat(name.split(' ')[0].len - 1)
  nbToc.output.add indent & "- [$1](#$2)\n" % [tocName, anchorName]

nbText: """
# WebUI Wrapper for Nim


nbSection: "## Download And Install"
nbText: """
Install the WebUI library from Nimble

nimble install webui

To see the wrapper's source code, please visit the GitHub repository here: 

WebUI's source code is [here](https://github.com/alifcommunity/webui).

nbSection: "## Examples"
nbText: """
A very *minimal* Nim example:

  import webui

  let window = newWindow() # Create a new Window
  window.show("<html>Hello</html>") # Show the window with html content

  wait() # Wait until the window gets closed

nbText: """
Using a local HTML file. Please note that you need to add 
`<script src="/webui.js"></script>` to all your HTML files.

  import webui

  let window = newWindow() 

  # Please add <script src="/webui.js"></script> to your HTML files

nbText: """
Using a specific web browser:

  import webui

  let window = newWindow()
  window.show("<html>Hello</html>", BrowserChrome)


nbText: """
To view more complex and complete examples please visit the 
directory in my GitHub repository.

nbSection: "## Windows"
nbSection: "### New Window"
nbText: """
To create a new window object, you can use `newWindow()`, which returns a 
new window object.

  let window = newWindow()
nbSection: "### Show Window"
nbText: """
To show a window, you can use the `show()` function. If the window is already 
shown, the UI will get refreshed in the same window.

  # Shows html in any installed web browser, using the embedded html

  # Show a window using a local html file
  # Please add <script src="/webui.js"></script> to your HTML files

nbText: """
To show a window in a specific web browser:

  const html = "<html>Hello!</html>"

  # Chrome
  window.show(html, BrowserChrome)

  # Firefox
  window.show(html, BrowserFirefox)

  # Microsoft Edge
  window.show(html, BrowserEdge)

  # Other browsers...

  # Any available web browser
  window.show(html, BrowserAny)

nbText: """
If you need to update the whole UI content, you can also use `show()`, which
allows you to refresh the window UI with any new HTML content.

  import std/os

  let html = "<html>Hello</html>"
  let newHtml = "<html>New World!</html>"

  # Open a window

  # Later...

  # Refresh the same window with the new content

nbSection: "### Window Status"

nbText: """
To know if a specific window is running, you can use `shown()`.

  if window.shown():
    echo "A window is running..."
    echo "No window is running."

nbSection: "## Binding & Events"
nbSection: "### Bind"
nbText: """
Use `bind()` to receive click events when the user clicks on any HTML 
element with a specific ID, for example `<button id="MyID">Hello</button>`.

  window.bind("MyID") do (e: Event):
    # <button id="MyID">Hello</button> gets clicked!
    echo "Binding element ", e.element, "!"

  echo "Binding element MyID!"

nbText: """
You can also have a return value on your function, it must be either of
`string`, `int`, or `bool`. The return value will be automatically passed
back to the Javascript code for you.

  window.bind("MyID") do (e: Event) -> int:
    return 1 + 2  # 3

nbSection: "### Bind All"
nbText: """
You can also listen for all events by binding an empty ID.

  window.bind("") do (e: Event):
    echo "Listening for events..."

nbSection: "### Events"
nbText: """
When you use `window.bind()`, your application will receive an event every 
time the user clicks on the specified HTML element. The event comes with 
the `element`, which is the HTML ID of the clicked element, for example, 
`MyButton`, `MyInput`, etc. The event also comes with the WebUI unique 
element ID & the unique window ID. Those two IDs are not generally needed.
  window.bind("MyButton") do (e: Event):
    echo "Hi!, You clicked on ", e.element, " element"

nbText: """
The `e` corresponds to `Event`, and it has these attributes:

  e.window       # The window the event occured on
  e.eventType    # Event type
  e.element      # HTML element ID
  e.data         # JavaScript data/response

nbText: """
You can access other attributes like `eventNumber`, but those are
used by WebUI, and are only meant for internal use by the library.

nbSection: "## Application"
nbSection: "### Wait"
nbText: """
It is essential to call `wait()` at the end of your main function, after 
you create/show all your windows. This will make your application run 
until the user closes all visible windows or when [`exit()`](#exit) is called.

  # Create windows...
  # Bind HTML elements...
  # Show the windows...

  # Wait until all windows get closed
  # or when calling exit()


nbSection: "### Exit"
nbText: """
At any moment, you can call `exit()`, which tries to close all related
opened windows and make [`wait()`](#wait) break.


nbSection: "### Close"
nbText: """
You can call `close()` to close a specific window, if there is no running 
window left [`wait()`](#wait) will break.


nbSection: "### Startup Timeout"
nbText: """
WebUI waits a couple of seconds (*Default is 30 seconds*) to let the web
browser start and connect. You can control this behavior by using 

  # Wait 10 seconds for the web browser to start

  # Now, after 10 seconds, if the web browser
  # did not start yet, wait() will break

  # Wait forever.

  # wait() will never end

nbSection: "### Multi Access"

  "WebUI \"Access Denied\" Image"

nbText: """
After the window is loaded, for safety, the used URL is not valid anymore, 
if someone else tries to access the URL, WebUI will show an error. To allow 
multi-user access to the same URL, you can use `multiAccess=`.

  window.multiAccess = true

nbSection: "## JavaScript"
nbSection: "### Run JavaScript From Nim"
nbText: """
You can run JavaScript on any window to read values, update the view, or 
anything else. In addition, you can check for execution errors, as well as 
receive data.

  window.bind("ExampleElement") do (e: Event):
    # Run JavaScript to get the password
    let res = e.window.script("return 2*2;")

    # Check for any error
    if res.error:
      echo "JavaScript Error: ", res.data
      echo "JavaScript Response: ", res.data # 4

    # Run JavaScript quickly with no waiting for the response

nbSection: "### Run Nim From JavaScript"
nbText: """
To call a Nim function from JavaScript and get the result back please
use `webui_fn('MyID', 'My Data').then((response) => { ... });`. If the
function does not have a response then it's safe to remove the then
method like this `webui_fn('MyID_NoResponse', 'My Data');`.

  window.bind("MyID") do (e: Event) -> string:
    echo "Data from JavaScript: ", e.data # Message from JS

    return "Message from Nim"

nbText: """

webui_fn('MyID', 'Message from JS').then((response) => {
    console.log(response); // Message from Nim

nbSection: "### TypeScript Runtimes"
nbText: """
You may want to interpret JavaScript & TypeScript files and show the output
in the UI. You can use `runtime=` and choose between Deno or Nodejs as
your runtimes.

  # Deno
  window.runtime = Deno

  # Nodejs
  window.runtime = NodeJS

  # Disable
  window.runtime = None